Angkor Wat is one of the spectacular temples in the world. Located less than 8 kilometres away from properties such as Anantara Angkor Resort, it spans in a massive area that could cover the flight decks of more than a hundred aircraft carriers. Once a Hindu temple, now, it is a stunning tribute for Cambodia’s golden age. The name Angkor Wat roughly translates into Temple City.
An Engineering Marvel
Angkor Wat is considered one of the engineering wonders of the world, not just for its humongous size, but also for the fact that it is built on water. It floats on a swamp supported by a foundation of subterranean water. If you’ve taken lodging at a luxury hotel in Siem Reap, Angkor Wat is never to be missed.

The Brainchild
Mysterious and captivating, its enormous scale and beautiful carvings are the brainchildren of an autocratic king, Emperor Suryavarman II.
The Construction
It’s not only the size of the site that is daunting. The construction hurdles are equally formidable. The temple is built using sandstones, each weighing around 2 to 12 tons. Just how they transported these stones remains a matter of speculation, although the evidence on the stones suggests floating bridges and rafts.
Symbolic Significance
At the core of the temple lie the offerings of white sapphire and gold leaves representing the moon and the sun, respectively. The mandala patterns represent heaven, symbolically binding the gods to the site. On the very top are five peaks that represent sacred Mount Meru and its companion mountains.