Dating back thousands of years, Ayurveda is a complex school of medicine that relies on herbal remedies. Here’s how this modality has helped heal human bodies with its principles and methods.
Ayurvedic principles dictate that all ailments are caused by some sort of imbalance within the body, so healing occurs as a side effect or restoring the body’s balance by using herbal remedies. Heritance Ayurveda and similar other resorts provide many a type of Ayurveda treatment in Sri Lanka for those looking to enjoy this rejuvenating experience.

Balance as a Motive
Although most of us consider Ayurveda as a solution to various health issues and chronic conditions, the aim of all Ayurvedic practices is not curing diseases but restoring the body to its original balanced state.
Body Classification
Ayurvedic physicians are able to class human physiologies into three main categories and all of us have a body that contains more of certain elements and lesser degrees of others. The Kapha body type, for example, consists of water and earth while the main elements of a Pitta body type are fire and water. The Vata body type is made up of air and ether. This means that even if those who belong to these three classifications are suffering from the same illness, the treatment will differ and will be catering to their own specific needs.
Ayurvedic treatments are known for having many positive side effects on the overall health of an individual while also being credited with removing the cause of an illness from its root. Some of these benefits include a firmer digestive system as most Ayurvedic treatments begin with a stomach cleanse or detox, which can make digestion a more streamlined process. Healthier skin is also attributed to Ayurvedic remedies as the skin becomes naturally radiant due to the reduction of toxicity in the body. Mental clarity and better concentration are also common by-products of undergoing Ayurvedic therapies.