Extremely popular and highly intelligent, Dolphins have captured the attention of humans like no other animal. Best known for its curious and helpful nature, here are some other interesting facts about dolphins.

There are over 40 species of dolphins
Forty-three to be exact, out of which, thirty-eight of them are the oceanic variety and five are river dolphins. The oceanic dolphins are the most well-known dolphins and the ones most commonly seen by people. The river dolphins are rarely seen unless you live near their respective habitats.
They breathe air like us
Regardless of where they live, Dolphins need to breathe air to survive. They swim up to the surface at varying time intervals to breathe before diving under again. This cycle can last for as long as 30 minutes in the large species.
They are curious about people
Dolphins are naturally curious creatures. Archaeological evidence shows ancient civilizations that had access to the sea have interacted with dolphins. Even today, they aren’t shy of boats and have been known to swim right alongside people in the water. If you’ve ever been on a dolphin watching tour found at places like Anantara Kihavah Maldives Villas, for example, a luxury resort in Maldives, you would have come to notice how charming they can be.
They use echolocation
Dolphins have the ability to emit ‘clicks’ – sound waves that travel far and wide. The returning echo is used to map out their surroundings and detect any danger or prey nearby.
Auburn Silver is a travel writer who has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world. Google+