Spotting a whale, swimming wild and free in the ocean, is a truly unforgettable experience. Whale watching in Mirissa, Sri Lanka gives you just such an opportunity to witness these giants of the ocean in their natural habitat.

The best time to go
Generally, November to April is considered the peak time for Mirissa Beach whale watching and the ocean is generally calmer and warmer during these months; during this season, December to March is a particularly favourable time to spot whales.
The voyage begins
Whale watching tours begin from Mirissa Harbour and boats generally leave around 06:30am or 07:00am. Because of the early start, it’s best to stay within easy reach of the harbour and south coast hotels like Le Grand Galle by Asia Leisure are among the available options to consider.
The giants of the ocean
While whale sightings can’t be guaranteed, you have a pretty good chance of spotting blue whales on your expeditions. Sperm whales, fin whales and Bryde’s whales may also be spotted along with bottlenose and spinner dolphins.
Don’t forget
Do remember the seas can be choppy and even if not, the boats will probably tend to rock on the waves; so it’s always better to take some pills for motion sickness before beginning and in fact, some tour operators offer such pills as part of the package. The voyage can last between three to five hours so have sunscreen ready too.
Caleb Falcon is a travel writer who specializes in writing content based on the many exciting world adventures that await intrepid travellers. Google+